Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Viva la revolucion!!! 

TIERRA Y LIBERTAD!!!: viva la revolucion!!!

TIERRA Y LIBERTAD!!!: viva la revolucion!!!!

viva la revolucion!!!!

  1. Emiliano Zapata is the Mexican rebel leader who said "It is better to
    die on your feet than to live on your knees." A former sharecropper,
    he organized and led peasants during the battles of the Mexican
    Revolution, joining forces with Pancho Villa and others to fight the
    government of Porfirio Diaz. Zapata supported agrarian reform and land
    redistribution; his rallying cry was "Land and freedom!" (His
    positions attracted the support of some urban intellectuals, who
    linked him to the theories of Karl Marx.) Though Diaz was defeated,
    Zapata continued to resist subsequent government leaders; he was
    ambushed and shot by Mexican troops in 1919. Zapata remains a folk
    hero in Mexico, where his name has often been invoked by rebels like
    Subcommander Marcos.

    Extra credit: Zapata was played by actor Marlon Brando in the 1952
    movie Viva Zapata! (John Steinbeck won an Oscar nomination for the
    screenplay; Anthony Quinn won an Oscar as Zapata's brother Eufemio)...
    Zapata's cry of "Land and freedom" (Tierra Y Libertad) is sometimes
    translated as "Land and justice."

    Zapata appears with Marilyn Monroe in our loop Supposed to be Ghosts.